
Meet Linda Baril

Linda Baril has been practicing as a Birth Doula for over 32 years.  Her love for natural childbirth began with the births of her own four children.  Her first child was born in a large city hospital, her second in a small west coast hospital and, finally, her last two children were born at home.  Her role as a birth assistant began when women in her small west coast village began to ask her to assist them through their own  labours and deliveries.  As her love for this role grew, she took trainings, first as a Labour Coach and later as a Birth Doula with DONA International. 

Linda has assisted women at both hospital and home births, attended by Midwives, Doctors and /or Obstetricians.  Her focus is the well-being of the birthing woman in whatever environment she may choose to birth in, attended by whomever she feels safest with. 

Linda is a past- Doula Trainer with DONA International.  She is also a Childbirth Educator and Reflexology Therapist with the Reflexology Association of Canada.  She has combined these diverse skills and has provided support to women in over 200 births.   These experiences have helped to shape her understanding of what today’s birthing women need given the ever-changing North American attitudes toward childbirth.  Dr. Michael Klein (Dissident Doctor - Catching Babies and Challenging the Status Quo; Douglas & McIntyre, 2018) has commented that women today are giving birth in a “chaotic and industrialized” environment.  Linda’s goal is to help take the fear out of giving birth and to ‘normalize’ this amazing journey into parenthood.

 Linda believes in every woman’s right to the birth of her choice and recognizes the challenges that exist in today’s world.  She has developed her own workshop based on the lessons taught to her by birthing women. Her wish is to share her knowledge and skills with others so that we can bring the ‘natural’ back to childbirth.

Linda is also a Reflexology Therapist (RCRT) and a Licensed Canadian Reflexology Teacher (LCRT) with the Reflexology Association of Canada.  She practices Foot Reflexology as well as Auricular Therapy (Ear Reflexology).  She is a Teacher Trainer and an RCRT Examiner with the Reflexology Association of Canada.  As an RCRT Examiner, she provides a national standardized board exam to aspiring Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapists.  She values her role as an Instructor and Mentor to new RCRT’s, Teachers and those who wish to assist women throughout their childbearing year.

In 2019, Linda was given an Honorary Membership in the Reflexology Association of Canada. This award is given to “individuals who have performed exemplary accomplishments and/or efforts in the furtherance of the purposes of the Association “.

BIRTH DOULA CARE: Linda continues to offer her services as a Birth Doula. This is particularly challenging during this time of Covid and physical distancing. Please see testimonials under ‘Ecobirthing’.